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rampok chip poker pembobol terancam bui


Jakarta - Seorang pria asal Inggris terancam dipenjara karena telah membobol Zynga dan mencuri ratusan miliar chip poker virtual dari perusahaan game online tersebut.

Ashley Mitchell, seperti diberitakan BBC News dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (4/2/2011), adalah seorang pebisnis IT asal London, Inggris. Mitchell diketahui mencuri sekitar 400 miliar chip poker virtual.

Cerdiknya, chip tersebut lantas dijualnya melalui Zynga black market. Malang, justru di black market inilah aparat hukum berhasil melacaknya dan menyeretnya ke pengadilan.

Pria berusia 29 tahun ini mengaku hanya bisa menjual sekitar USD 86 ribu hasil rampokannya. Andai Mitchell bisa menjual seluruhnya, dia diprediksi akan bisa meraup sekitar USD 300 ribu lagi. Zynga sendiri, menjual chip-chip tersebut secara legal dengan harga sekitar USD 12 juta.

Melalui pengacaranya, Mitchell mengaku dirinya adalah pecandu judi dan tengah berjuang keras agar bisa terbebas dari belenggu kecanduan tersebut.

Bagaimanapun, hakim pengadilan tidak pedulikan ocehannya dan mengenakan empat dakwaan terkait dengan kejahatan properti dan penyalahgunaan komputer.
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Hacker Curi Chip Poker Facebook


Mitchell menargetkan game online raksasa Zynga yang sukses mengembangkan game online Farmville, Cityville dan Texas Hold’em Poker di Facebook.
“Antara Juni dan September 2009, Mitchell dilaporkan mengajukan diri sebagai pengurus game Zynga Poker di Facebook sebagai cara masuk ke sistem komputer dan mencuri chip,” tulis laporan BBC.
Mitchell mengaburkan keberadaan dirinya dengan serangkaian akun palsu sehingga dapat dengan mudah melarikan diri. Namun, jumlah chip yang hilang sangat besar sehingga Zynga menyadari hal itu dan menangkap Mitchell sebelum pria ini mendapatkan lebih banyak uang.
Mitchell dituntut karena melanggar Undang-Undang Penyalahgunaan Komputer. Mitchell sempat mengaku bersalah di depan Hakim Pengadilan Exeter Crown, Inggris, Philip Wassall yang mengatakan Mitchell terancam penjara selama empat tahun.
Develop Online mengatakan putusan pengadilan menyebutkan mata uang virtual Zynga layak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yang sama di dunia nyata.
Zynga menegaskan memberikan pengamanan game dengan sangat serius. "Kami ingin memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan permainan kepada para pengguna. Kami memiliki tim pengamanan kelas dunia yang secara aktif mengidentifikasikan dan mengetahui gangguan terkait tindakan kriminal.
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Different Kinds of Poker Variants


There are many kinds of poker games being played around the world, from the really serious gambling ones, to the ones that are being played just simply for fun. Some of these games pattern themselves from the seven card stud poker variation, while some would be a bit similar to the Texas Hold 'em. There are just so many variations available!
One type of poker variation is a game called Three-Five-Seven which involves the players being dealt three cards each, and they must, in turn, decide to either pass or stay in the game. The player located at the left side of the dealer. During the first round of the game, the number three's are considered as wild cards and the 3 of a kind would be the best hand that a player can have. All the players that are in the game should show their cards to each other and whoever wins the game will claim the pot. As for the losers, they need to match the pot thereafter.
If there is only a single player that is in, or in case there should be a tie, that particular player or players would consequently gain a chip, or what they also call a leg. In the last round of the game, two more cards are distributed to each of the players and then the number seven cards are considered as the wild ones. It is the same kind of play, but the highest five-card hand would then win the pot. Evidently, three legs or chips can win the pot too. In this game, the maximum number of players is seven.
Another game variation played nowadays is the poker game variant known as Anaconda. In this game, every player is given seven cards and they should discard and pass around three cards to the player seated on their left side. After which, they would then discard two cards which they pass to the player, again, located on their left side. After that, they would then begin discarding two more cards in the center and not pass it on but just place it at the center of the table. The players would then order the last remaining 5 cards which are compiled in a stack in any order that they would prefer their cards to be shown as follows. Every player then displays his top card, and then places a wager. And then soon after, the next card in the said stack is then shown and another wager is placed. This goes on and on until the last remaining hand is shown to the players. The pot is split by high and low cards.
Poker variants such as these mentioned above are rather new in the poker game and are most likely not as popular as those poker variants played in casinos; however, they are still fun to play.
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